permanent eyeliner aftercare

If you want to save time and skip the hassle of applying makeup each morning, permanent eyeliner might be a good option for you. The procedure is safe and effective, provided you go to a reputable salon and follow the aftercare instructions. Whether you’re looking for a subtle, natural look or something more dramatic, you can find the perfect shade and finish with this treatment. But before you get started, it’s important to understand how the healing process works.

What to Expect

When you first get your eyeliner tattoo, the skin will be red and swollen. This is normal, and it will eventually fade. It’s also possible that your eyes will be bloodshot and sensitive to light. If your eyes don’t improve within a few days, contact your artist for advice.

Your technician will perform an eye bath before you leave the studio to remove any blood or ink that may have accumulated during the tattooing process. They will then give you an aftercare guide with detailed instructions on how to care for your new eyeliner. This will help prevent infection and ensure proper healing.

Most people are happy with their results after a few weeks, but the healing process is different for everyone. Some people experience flaking that lasts much longer than others, so it’s important to listen to your body and take appropriate measures.

The best way to prevent infection is to avoid touching or rubbing the treated area, which can cause irritation. You should use a recommended ointment, such as petroleum jelly, to keep the area moisturized. Also, be sure to apply a waterproof sunscreen whenever you go outdoors.

Your artist will ask you to come back for a touch-up appointment about a month after your initial session. This is an opportunity for them to fix any flaking pigment and adjust the shape of your liner, if needed.

Infection is very rare with permanent makeup, but it’s important to avoid touching or rubbing the treated area. It’s also important to avoid using any products that can irritate the eye area, such as exfoliators, glycolic acid, or any other chemical-based treatments. You should also avoid using any products containing nitric oxide, which can lead to blood vessels dilating and can cause bleeding.

When you’re considering getting a permanent eyeliner, be sure to research the technicians in your area and read reviews online. Make sure you choose a professional who has extensive training and experience in the field. Choosing a skilled and experienced technician will help ensure that your procedure heals properly and that you’re satisfied with the results. You should also follow all aftercare instructions carefully to avoid complications. If you do develop an infection, contact your technician immediately. Taking antibiotics will help reduce the risk of scarring or other unwanted side effects.